Get maximum elevation to be covered by camera frustum.
Set maximum elevation above sea level to be rendered.
the elevation (altitude) value in world units (meters).
If you set this exactly to the maximum rendered feature height (altitude above the sea, you may notice some flickering or even polygons disappearing related to rounding errors or depth buffer precision. In such cases increase [[nearFarMargin]] or add a little bit offset to your assumed maximum elevation.
Reasonable values are in between (-DeadSeeDepression, MtEverestHeight>, both values are defined in [[EarthConstant]] as [[EarthConstant.MIN_ELEVATION]] and [[EarthConstant.MAX_ELEVATION]] respectively.
minElevation for more information about precision and rounding errors.
Get minimum elevation to be covered by camera frustum.
Set minimum elevation to be rendered, values beneath the sea level are negative.
the minimum elevation (depression) in world units (meters).
If you set this parameter to zero you may not see any features rendered if they are just below the sea level more than half of [[nearFarMargin]] assumed. Similarly if set to -100m and rendered features lays exactly in such depression, you may notice that problem. The errors usually come from projection precision loss and depth buffer nature (significant precision loss closer to far plane). Thus is such cases either increase the margin (if you are sure features are just at this elevation, or setup bigger offset for [[minElevation]]. Reasonable values are between <-DeadSeaDepression, MtEverestHeight), where the first denotes lowest depression on the Earth defined as [[EarthConstants.MIN_ELEVATION]] and the second is the highest point our planet.
evaluateCompute near and far clipping planes distance.
The camera in use.
The geo-projection currently used for encoding geographic data.
elevationProvider: ElevationProviderThe optional elevation provider for fine tuned range calculation, taking into account terrain variability and unevenness.
Evaluation method should be called on every frame and camera clip planes updated. This is related to evaluator implementation and its input data, that may suddenly change such as camera position or angle, projection type or so. Some evaluators may not depend on all or even any of input objects, but to preserve compatibility with any evaluator type it is strongly recommended to update on every frame.
The camera clipping planes (near/far properties) aren't automatically updated via #evaluateClipPlanes() call, user should do it manually if needed.
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Abstract evaluator class that adds support for elevation constraints.
Classes derived from this should implement algorithms that takes into account rendered features height (elevations), such as ground plane is no more flat (or spherical), but contains geometry that should be overlapped by frustum planes.