Enumeration MapViewEventNames

Enumeration Members

AfterRender: "didrender"

Called after a frame has been rendered.

AnimationFinished: "animation-finished"

Called when the animation mode has stopped.

AnimationStarted: "animation-started"

Called when the animation mode has started.

CameraPositionChanged: "camera-changed"

Called when camera position has been changed.

ContextLost: "webglcontext-lost"

Called when the WebGL context is lost.

ContextRestored: "webglcontext-restored"

Called when the WebGL context is restored.

CopyrightChanged: "copyright-changed"

Emitted when copyright info of rendered map has been changed.

DataSourceConnect: "datasource-connect"

Called when a data source has been connected or failed to connect.

Dispose: "dispose"

Called when dispose has been called, before any cleanup is done.

FirstFrame: "first-render"

Called after the first frame has been rendered.

FrameComplete: "frame-complete"

Called when the rendered frame was complete, i.e. all the necessary tiles and resources are loaded and rendered.

MovementFinished: "movement-finished"

Called when a camera interaction has been stopped.

MovementStarted: "movement-started"

Called when a camera interaction has been detected.

Render: "render"

Called when the frame is about to be rendered.

Resize: "resize"

Called when the WebGL canvas is resized.

ThemeLoaded: "theme-loaded"

Called when the theme has been loaded with the internal ThemeLoader.

Update: "update"

Called before this MapView starts to render a new frame.

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