Interface ElevationProvider


  • ElevationProvider


  • Get the displacement map for a given tile key. If the displacement map for the given tileKey is not in the cache a lower level tile will be returned.


    • tileKey: TileKey

      The tile to get the displacement map for.

    Returns undefined | TileDisplacementMap

    Returns the DisplacementMap for the given tileKey or a lower level tile. Undefined if the tile or no parent is in the cache.

  • Get elevation for a given geo point.


    • geoPoint: GeoCoordinates

      geo position to query height for.

    • Optional level: number

      Optional data level that should be used for getting the elevation. If undefined, the view's visible tile containing the point will be used.

    Returns undefined | number

    The height at geoPoint or undefined if no tile was found that covers the geoPoint.

  • Cast a ray through the given screen position x, y.


    • x: number

      The X position in css/client coordinates (without applied display ratio).

    • y: number

      The Y position in css/client coordinates (without applied display ratio).

    Returns undefined | Vector3

    World coordinate of the intersection or undefined if no intersection detected.

  • Samples elevation for a given geo point from the specified displacement map.


    • geoPoint: GeoCoordinates

      geo position to query height for.

    • tileDisplacementMap: TileDisplacementMap

      Displacement map where the height will be sampled.

    Returns number

    The height at geoPoint.

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