Get the displacement map for a given tile key. If the displacement map for the given tileKey is not in the cache a lower level tile will be returned.
The tile to get the displacement map for.
Returns the DisplacementMap for the given tileKey or a lower level tile. Undefined if the tile or no parent is in the cache.
Get elevation for a given geo point.
geo position to query height for.
level: numberOptional data level that should be used for getting the elevation. If undefined, the view's visible tile containing the point will be used.
The height at geoPoint or undefined if no tile was found that covers the geoPoint.
the TilingScheme used for the DisplacementMaps returned by [[getDisplacementMap]] or undefined if there is no elevation DataSource attached to the MapView.
Cast a ray through the given screen position x, y.
The X position in css/client coordinates (without applied display ratio).
The Y position in css/client coordinates (without applied display ratio).
World coordinate of the intersection or undefined if no intersection detected.
Samples elevation for a given geo point from the specified displacement map.
geo position to query height for.
Displacement map where the height will be sampled.
The height at geoPoint.
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Clears the internal cache.