Interface ClipPlanesEvaluator


  • ClipPlanesEvaluator

Implemented by


maxElevation: number

Set maximum elevation to be rendered, values above sea level are positive.

minElevation: number

Minimum elevation to be rendered, values beneath the sea level are negative.


  • Compute near and far clipping planes distance.


    • camera: Camera

      The camera in use.

    • projection: Projection

      The geo-projection currently used for encoding geographic data.

    • Optional elevationProvider: ElevationProvider

      The optional elevation provider for fine tuned range calculation, taking into account terrain variability and unevenness.

    Returns ViewRanges


    Evaluation method should be called on every frame and camera clip planes updated. This is related to evaluator implementation and its input data, that may suddenly change such as camera position or angle, projection type or so. Some evaluators may not depend on all or even any of input objects, but to preserve compatibility with any evaluator type it is strongly recommended to update on every frame.


    The camera clipping planes (near/far properties) aren't automatically updated via #evaluateClipPlanes() call, user should do it manually if needed.

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