Interface StatsInternal

Simple statistics about the values in an array.


  • Stats


avg: number

The average duration of all values in the array.

max: number

The highest value in the array.

median: number

The median duration of all values in the array.

median75: number

The 75th percentile median of all values in the array.

median90: number

The 90th percentile median of all values in the array.

median95: number

The 95th percentile median of all values in the array.

median97: number

The 97th percentile median of all values in the array.

median99: number

The 99th percentile median of all values in the array.

median999: number

The 99.9th percentile median of all values in the array.

min: number

The lowest value in the array.

numSamples: number

The number of values in the array.

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