Interface VisibleTileSetOptions

Limited set of MapViewOptions used for VisibleTileSet.


  • VisibleTileSetOptions


clipPlanesEvaluator: ClipPlanesEvaluator

User-defined camera clipping planes evaluator.

extendedFrustumCulling: boolean

In addition to the simple frustum culling also do additional checks with [[MapTileCuller]].

maxTilesPerFrame: number

Maximal number of new tiles, that can be added to the scene per frame. if set to 0the limit will be ignored and all available tiles be uploaded.

Default Value


maxVisibleDataSourceTiles: number

Limit of tiles that can be visible per datasource.

projection: Projection

The projection of the view.

quadTreeSearchDistanceDown: number

Number of levels to go down when searching for fallback tiles.

quadTreeSearchDistanceUp: number

Number of levels to go up when searching for fallback tiles.

resourceComputationType: ResourceComputationType

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tileCacheSize: number

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